Saturday, May 30, 2009


In the last 3 to 4 weeks I have developed a real attachment to my "softie" blankets. I will pull them out of the bed or car seat to roll on the floor with them. Sometimes I carry them all over the house!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

San Antonio May 26-27, 2009

I went on my first vacation away from home! San Antonio was fun! I didn't mind the 5 + hour car ride down (or back). Saw the Alamo & Riverwalk.
Here's my Elvis snarl at the Alamo!

Mariachis sang for me at Mi Tierra restaurant. I loved that!

Here I am packing up to go back home. I had a small meltdown (tears) once we got home--but maybe I realized Granny stayed behind in San Antonio.

Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22, 2009

Granny wanted to take me to the petting zoo again today. They were closed. So I got to ride a different kind of horse! My first carousel! At times I held the post myself!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

9 months old

Yesterday I turned 9 months old! I got to try table food for the 2nd time (holding it myself--1st time was bread I swiped from Mommy's plate weeks ago!) Got to hold a lime! I could even hold it up in the air with no hands!

Should have warned me these things can squirt!

By the way, 19.2 pounds, 28.5 inches!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sweet! Those Eyes!

It's Mother's Day! I love Mommy. You can see my sweet nature in my beautiful eyes. So difficult to pick just one photo! So one for each Mom: Mommy, Granny, Grandma Titi--I love you!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Then and Now

Mommy took a picture of me yesterday while I was at my rainforest gym--pulling leaves off the top! She thought it would be cool to show me now and back when I was a wee one on the same toy!

At 2 1/2 months getting used to my toy! All I could do was reach for the top!

Yesterday--I tower over it by myself!

May 7, 2009 A Study in Naps Revisited

Hi all! One of my first posts was a study in naps--showing three naps. Well, now I only nap twice a day. Let's revisit that subject!

11am nap
3pm nap